
public private partnership in india

Partner in Progress

Private players of our country have done a very good job. But behind them stood the full force of the government in the form of a partner in progress. Today, India is one of the most reliable and state-of-the-art Space Service Providers in the whole world. Our Private Sector Ecosystem is doing a great job in this area too. But behind them also, as a ‘Partner in Progress’, the government is standing with full power. Now is the time that the government should encourage the private sector as a partner in progress and we are moving forward in this direction.

  Sabka Saath
       Sabka Vikas
Sabka Vishwas
         Sabka Prayas

Important Link

Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman

Minister of Finance Government of India

Shri Ajay Seth, IAS

Secretary Economic Affairs

Shri Baldeo Purushartha, IAS

Infrastructure Support and Development Division

What's New

... 08 Feb. 2023

DEA empanels Transaction Advisers (TAs) for Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects

... VGF

Benefit of reduced performance security extended till March 2023


Tender for Empanelment of Transaction Advisor for PPP Projects

... TA Manual

DEA organizes a 2-day workshop on Awareness Building and Guidance on using the PPP Toolkits


Infrastructure Newsletter (Vol. - VII) (Dec, 22 - Jan, 23)


Infrastructure Newsletter (Vol. - VIII) (Feb, 23 - Mar, 23)

Flagship Initiatives of GOI for PPPs

Dated 12th January 2006

Guidelines for Formulation,Appraisal and Approval of Central Sector Public Private Partnership Projects(English version)

... VGF
Dated 11th November 2020

Revamped Guidelines for Financial Support to Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure ( Viability Gap Funding Scheme )

Dated 3rd November 2023

Guidelines for India Infrastructure Project Development Funding (IIPDF) Scheme - English Version

... TA Manual
Dated 1st July 2023

Transaction Advisors For PPP Projects: Manual for use of the Panel

... Reference Guide
Dated 14th June 2023

Reference Guide for Setting up of State PPP

... Reference Guide
Dated 14th June 2023

Reference Guide for PPP Project Appraisal

... Reference Guide
Dated 23rd September 2023

Reference Guide for Project Implementation Mode Selection - Waterfall Framework

... PPP Manual
Dated 20th December 2023

PPP Beginner's E Course Brochure

Best Practices

Solarisation of Cochin International Airport
Land Assembly for Industrial Development - Land Pooling Scheme for Pithampur, Sector 7
Drink from TAP Mission
Smart Metering with Prepaid Functionality – Challenges and Success Story of Bihar
Kochi Water Metro Project


National Infrastructure & Monetisation

... Dated 30th April 2020

Report of the Task Force National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) - Volume I

... Dated 30th April 2020

Report of the Task Force National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) - Volume II

... Dated 30th April 2020

Report of the Task Force National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) - Volume-3A

... Dated 30th April 2020

Report of the Task Force National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) - Volume-3B

... Dated 30th April 2020

Volume I: Monetisation Guidebook

... Dated 30th April 2020

Volume II: Asset Pipeline - Volume-3B

About Us

The Infrastructure Finance Secretariat (IFS) has been established under the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance with the idea of harmonizing policies and initiatives related to infrastructure financing and development. IFS has been set up to boost infrastructure development through a multitude of initiatives. These initiatives are directed towards promoting private investment in Infrastructure.

The Private Investment Unit (Erstwhile PPP Cell), now a part of the IFS was set up in 2006 in the Department of Economic Affairs. The Private Investment Unit is responsible for policy-level matters concerning PPPs, including Policies, Schemes, programs, Model Concession Agreements, and Capacity Building. The Private Investment Unit also acts as the Secretariat for Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee (PPPAC), and Empowered Committee (EC), and is also responsible for matters and proposals relating to clearance by PPPAC, Scheme for Financial Support to PPPs in Infrastructure (VGF Scheme) and India Infrastructure Project Development Funding (IIPDF) Scheme.

The Private Investment unit has developed this website to provide key information related to PPP initiatives in India and to share PPP best practices for PPP practitioners whether in the Government or the Private Sector. This website provides information on Institutional Mechanisms for the Appraisal of PPP projects and Schemes for financial support to PPP projects, the latest initiatives of PIU for promoting PPPs in India, and also acts as a readily accessible repository of policies, guidelines, model documents, guidance materials, reference documents and includes a database of key PPP projects.


Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee Appraised Projects
  • Number of Projects: 358

  • Total Project Cost (In Rs. Crore): 676,636.57

Viability Gap Funding Scheme Projects (Final Approved)
  • Number of Projects: 67

  • Total Project Cost (In Rs. Crore): 45802.97

India Infrastructure Project Development Fund PROJECTS
  • Number of Projects: 35

  • Total Funding Approved (In Rs. Crore): 59.13


This website is developed by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India for dissemination of information on PPP related policy documents, Government guidelines, procedures and model documents. The website is for use by PPP practitioners.